Some unfinished work, years ago, I never posted. I do hope I get to find the rest of them and maybe finish them. These are all the test renders I could find. These aircraft are from an old online game called Ace Online. Played it not too long ago and it sucks ass.
These are all 3D, apart from the backgrounds? Little added lensflare and sunrays in the second I guess? Looks dope. Second one in particular blends in so well it just might be real, useful with the diffusing darkness...
5G though, saw your response, I guess you're stil sleeping on the potential dangers and downsides a bit? If you're up for discussion I'd love to delve into that. Might be falsely linked to the 'rona but it's definitely no good for humankind as far as I'm concerned. Pushing satellites into the ionosphere without prior study too, that could really be catastrophic. Not just make it harder to get a real weather forecast...
My response on 5G? I'm sorry but I don't recall making a comment on anything 5G related, especially on newgrounds. I am always up for learning though. I'm glad you liked my art even though its unfinished. The backgrounds are indeed 3D. The 2nd image had post after effects added to it.