thats the king
lol i always thought the king was gay. out of all the comercails its always men there are no women. hmm what about mc donalds vs. bk with ronald and the king lol. only you would make it funny
thats the king
lol i always thought the king was gay. out of all the comercails its always men there are no women. hmm what about mc donalds vs. bk with ronald and the king lol. only you would make it funny
lol nice way how too see things
its about dam time to show how stupid the card game is every time they get hit of someting they cover ther eyes and stuff like it was going to hit them like it was real lol bunch of flichers. cant wait to see ep.2
lol wtf?
lol sooooooooooooo random and so funny. i love it. the drawings look like the other movies with the whhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeee sounds and every flash is that you agin? got too many flashes to look throguh to tell
jup, i love wheeeee
do more it was so funny. the style and other things in it was awsome. the drawings were close to the acutal characters moremoremoremore ^_^ 5/5
lol love it
it was pretty good and funny and wondering what else is there and that hamster thing came out that was the funniest thing ever lol.
lol just like the game reviews on g4tv
the only flash that reviews games. i like the humor in this. this closely represents X-play when they crictisies the games in their review. you should watch it sometime if you have the channel it looks so much alike
looks like you could did more
well since the car looked so good i thought the rest looked detailed as the car. there was no backround(it didnt even look like it was night time with no black object that repesents a backround. the rest was kind of rushed too but i really liked the car deatil and it blowing up. more car explosions
lol thanks!, and yeah I should have put in a background and maybe it was a little rushed... no I wouldn't say rushed I would say, got bored of it. But I am still very happy with the result and am glad you liked the detail!
lol well planned
i liked the part when the old man died and the white dude try to make him not look dead lol. well its a bit choppy and try to add more detail in your work too. other than that it gets around the point.
I am now an animation student :/ Who knew.
Age 35, Male
Dave School
Joined on 6/2/05